Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Health Care; Go Big, Go Long, Go Single-payer

Well, I have been on hiatus for a few months. Once the elections were over, the creative juices sorted of slowed; work picked up; the energy and concentration needed to opine--well--sort of dissipated.

But, I've been listening to the debate on health care; on television, radio, street-corners, my sister's kitchen, anywhere people get together with differing views on the subject. I though, what the hell...

For starters. Obama needs to go big and go long. Go straight to single-payer. Tell Americans the truth. Single-payer is cheaper, it allows cost containment (without which no health plan will work), care will improve, it will be a boon to business, and Americans who want Cadillac care can still get it through their choice of insurance plans.

The difference will be that health care will no longer depend on employers -- and will no longer burden employers. That should translate to higher wages; since money that could have gone into wages has been sidelined into paying for the spiraling increases in health plan costs. It should also translate into lower prices for goods and services because the cost of providing employees' health care should no longer be a factor in setting prices for said goods and services.

What is single-payer? It is the big "government-run" health plan that the Republican leadership in Congress is doing their best to scare the wits out of Americans with. It is, in fact, Medicare for all Americans, regardless of age. Medicare is one of the most effective and cost-effective programs this country has fielded. With an approximate 4 percent administrative overhead, it is one of the cheapest to operate. Doctors point out Medicare's success in cost-containment every time one of them quails at taking on a new Medicare patient -- because Medicare sets limits on what can be charged and scrutinizes treatment and testing options.

It is late and I am drooping, but I have more to write on this topic and I hope some will be there to read it.

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