Sunday, May 13, 2007

Thoughts on the Dem's debate

"Thoughts on the Dem's debate"

(Written Sunday, Apr 29, 2007)

- Obama came off best I think, with Richardson and Dodd tied for second.
- Edwards needs to stop putting an interrogative at the end of his sentences and declarative clauses. It makes him sound wimpy rather than caring.
- Gravel, I actually liked--although he reminds me of Howard Beale in Network (The 'I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore' character).
- Hillary is too prepped and rehearsed.
- Biden got the best humor line of the night with a one word answer to Brian Williams, questioning--given his record of garrulousness-- whether he was able to keep his foot out of his mouth and coontrol his logorrhea while conducting America's business ('Yes')."

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