Sunday, May 13, 2007

It occurs to me.....

(Written Friday, Apr 27, 2007)

...that there is a very good reason (from the administration's point of view) to take the polarizing, uncompromising position they are taking on the Iraq-war funding bills. It is less about principle (Presidents' right to conduct a war as deemed best) or even about saving face. It is about control of the Senate. Bush and Cheney, by double-dog-daring the Democrats to send a funding bill with a timetable attached, are engineering a collision _within_ the Democratic caucus. They hope--I believe--that this will push Joe Lieberman into the Republican caucus. They might even get a bonus and push Ben Nelson of Nebraska into the Republicans' arms. If either Senator crosses the aisle, they get control of the Senate back.Given the legal problems facing them--not to mention policy problems--that is a smart move, albeit utterly immoral.These guys have completely substituted cynicism for statecraft. They are absolutely the worst administration this country has ever suffered.

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