Saturday, October 17, 2020

Again, Masks Work.

Wednesday night, October 15th, Donald Trump repeated to Savannah Guthrie something that isn't true. When discussing masks and their effectiveness in controlling Coronavirus spread, Trump said that 85 percent of people who used masks got COVID-19.

That's not true.

Trump cherry-picked a study and took it completely out of context. Here are some facts: 

Masks work. A simple cloth or surgical mask will protect folks around you from up to 95 percent of any Coronavirus you might spread if you are infected. Did you ever wonder why doctors and nurses in ORs wear masks? Hint: it's not to protect them from you. It's to protect you from them. Masks work.

A simple cloth or surgical mask will protect you from up to 50 percent of any Coronavirus another person might spread to you if they aren't masked. If they are wearing a mask that 95 percent rule I just mentioned applies. Again, masks work. 

Yes, when COVID-19 first hit, many doctors (including Anthony Fauci) recommended against widespread mask use. That was because there weren't enough masks available for first responders who were at highest risk, and the risk that asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic could spread the infection wasn't fully appreciated. As doctors learned more, and more supplies became available, they updated their guidance, as people do if they are professional and objective. 

Please, wear a mask and listen to people who know what they're talking about, instead of a panicky real estate hustler who is trying to keep his job. It might save your life.

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