Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Lipstick, Lipstick, Lipstick!

During a campaign event in Virginia today (9 September 2008), Barack Obama described John McCain's claim that he will change things in Washington as putting lipstick on a pig.

Okay, it is an old line. I have heard it for years before this. But the McCain camp had a fit, thinking it a slam on Sarah Palin. They have, of course, demanded an apology.

Give me a break.

The McCain camp has told us that Palin's family is off-limits. Her personal life is off limits. Do we start saying "The L-word" instead of lipstick now? Is anybody allowed to criticize Sarah Palin?

Can you imagine if the Democrats tried to coddle their candidate in this manner? The Republican attack machine would tear itself apart in their eagerness to heap ridicule on the Democratic ticket. If Barack Obama gave a speech about Sarah Palin that was half as snarky as the one she gave about Barack Obama, the Republicans would be completely beside themselves with feigned outrage.

This is pure crap.

Sarah Palin is not qualified to be Vice President or President. And by putting her on the ticket, John McCain disqualifies himself as well.

It is Barack Obama's duty, and Joe Biden's duty--and the duty of every American who realizes what a cynical and un-American path John McCain is ready to take us down--to denounce this travesty. And it is the duty of every American to demand that the press and media call the McCain camp's double-standards and hypocrisy for what they are.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you see or read the Katie-Sarah interview this week. She can give the current Oval Office occupant a run for the money in being inarticulate, clue-free, and utterly unconcerned about either.

video is here:

Katie Couric: You've cited Alaska's proximity to Russia as part of
your foreign policy experience. What did you mean by that?

Sarah Palin: That Alaska has a very narrow maritime border between a
foreign country, Russia, and, on our other side, the land-boundry that
we have with Canada. It's funny that a comment like that was kinda
made to ... I don't know, you know ... reporters.

Couric: Mocked?

Palin: Mocked, yeah I guess that's the word, mocked.

Couric: Well, explain to me why that enhances your foreign-policy

Palin: Well, it certainly does, because our, our next-door neighbors
are foreign countries, there in the state that I am the executive of.
And there...

Couric: Have you ever been involved in any negotiations, for example,
with the Russians?

Palin: We have trade missions back and forth, we do. It's very
important when you consider even national-security issues with Russia.
As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United
States of America, where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over
the border. It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that
an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because
they are right next to, they are right next to our state."


What the governor *meant* to say was that sometimes Russian long range bombers or reconnaissance aircraft fly *near* (not *IN*) U.S. airspace.
(This would be the part where she said: "As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space")

Then she meant to say that sometimes this happens near Alasks. Which is when U.S. fighter aircraft (some of them probably part of the Alaska ANG, which she allegeodly has some degree of executive insight into in her role as governer) take off from air bases in the state she governs to meet these Russian planes. Everybody meets up in international air space, all the pilots smile, wave and take pictures, and everybody goes home.

This would be the part where she said:
("It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation.").
Except she forgot to use an actual noun that might tell us what is going on...

Sarah honey, guess what?
This shit has been going on since before you were born. And guess what? We do it to them too....

If she has the first fucking clue about what she's talking about...she failed to prove it here.

She is seriously clue-free, and apparently worry free. She may in fact be dumber than Bush.

Let's respect modern day grade inflation call this a C- for knowing that "Putin" has something to do with "Russia", and that Alaska is close to part of Russia. But I wonder if she realizes Moscow is twelve time zones away....