A lot of folks have settled, comfortably, into the idea of forming militia to enforce their personal whims and notions. Tricked out with tactical gear and a variety of weapons, these are more properly called gangs.
Real militia, in America, are organized according to precedents laid down in the US Constitution (Article I) and elaborated in the Federalist Papers.
Real militia historically conformed to the Militia acts of 1792 and 1795, amended throughout the 1800s and superseded by the militia act of 1903, which organized the National Guard.
Real militia report to a duly elected chain of command and conform to training standards and discipline prescribed by Congress.
Real militia are led by officers, commissioned by Congress and guided by the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Real militia have fought and died to preserve our freedoms and liberty. It is a proud tradition that represents the best of our nation.
Mimicking militia to intimidate citizens pursuing their constitutional rights to vote or make their voices heard is no better -- far worse actually -- than stolen valor at the local VFW or Walmart. It insults the patriotism and dedication to the rule of law on which our country is founded and that free men and women have died for.
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