One is left having to choose whether Vice President Mike Pence is a liar or just stupid.
For the record; when an administration plans something like the Soleimani killing (or bin Laden's), no one expects "every member of Congress" to be briefed. There is an expectation that the "gang of eight" will be briefed (Speaker of the House, House Minority Leader, Senate Majority and Minority Leaders, House Intelligence Committee Chair and Ranking Member, and Senate Intelligence Committee Chair and Vice Chair). Trump saw fit to inform Vladimir Putin, friends and club members at Mar a Lago, and some Congressional Republicans. NO Democrats. He also suggested that Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff were security risks.
For the record, Pelosi and Schiff have been in Congress since 1987 and 2001, respectively. For most of that time they have held the highest clearances you can hold in this country. While they have often been in opposition to the various administration they've served alongside, there has never been any indication either have been "loose-lipped" with classified material, unlike Trump who threw that canard into the mix.
For the record, Donald Trump invited Russia's ambassador and foreign secretary into the oval office and divulged top secret code-word intelligence provided by a foreign governmentvto them, after refusing U. S. media access to the meeting (we know what happened because the Russian photographer who was allowed in worked for TASS).
For the record, Trump claimed he has authority to declassify anything he wants. He doesn't. He doesn't have the authority to declassify intelligence provided by a foreign government. Its their intelligence and they retain the perogative to classify or declassify. A U. S. President may have impunity when declassifying foreign government intelligence, but that doesn't translate to authority and it doesn't mean such irresponsibility doesn't have consequences.
But, back to Pence. I would like to give him the benefit of the doubt that he isn't lying. Let's just say he's a loyal foot soldier who doesn't know any better.
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