One of the attack themes from President Obama's stronger critics (dare I call them haters?) is his use of teleprompters. It is a ready chestnut that they grab onto at the first opportunity. Given that every president, presidential candidate, and many other political figures and speakers in general use teleprompters, what is the big deal?
There are a lot of things that Obama can be criticized for, that are substantive. But honestly, from the unhinged I don't hear much substance, just snark-- and of course unmitigated hatred. But why teleprompters? Why a device that every other pol uses too? Heck, even the politicians that the Obama-haters say they like use teleprompters.
So, I figure that it is because it is the only way that they can rationalize the fact that the man is a pretty good speaker much of the time. The assumption then, is that he is a good speaker when he has his teleprompters and an inarticulate boob when he doesn't. Of course that isn't true, as any observation of Obama at the podium will reveal. Some of his lamest speeches have been with teleprompters, and some of his better speeches have been without.
Personally, I think the damn things degrade the quality of speeches and rob them of spontaneity. Bill Clinton's best speeches were when he blew off the teleprompters or didn't use them at all.
I think that Obama's haters -- and I draw a distinction between critics and haters -- lock in on the teleprompters because they are so invested in the idea that this particular man cannot successfully speak on his own, that they truly believe he can't give a speech unless someone else wrote it for him and feeds it to him on a spoon -- or teleprompter. It is that simple, and that hateful.
This sort of criticism has never been leveled at another president. That it is leveled at this president says far more about the haters than the hated.
1 comment:
Why is this a scandal to them?
The simple fact is that when you give a speech, you have notes. You used to write them on paper, and look down from time to time to refresh your memory. The TelePrompter is just better technology than 3x5 cards. That's all.
Yet the Party of Antiscience hates Obama using the TelePrompter. Why? Are they just Luddites?
After all, during his epic CPAC rant, Rush Limbaugh read off paper (when he looked up and got away from reading, he started inventing new words for our Constitution.) So maybe the reichwing is just wedded to dead trees. (George Washington NEVER used a teleprompter! Teleprompters are not in our Constitution!!!)
Or are they just trying to portray Obama as out-of-touch with the average person, who doesn't have a TelePrompter. Obama's extremely popular, in large part because he's very genuine, and he actually listens to people. So it's important to the reichwing to attack him on his genuineness.
Courtesy of John Aravosis on Americablog, I have plenty of photos of Telepromter use of other presidents and, of course, Bill O'Reilly's famous flip-out when his teleprompter breaks down, at Technophobia vs teleprompters
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