Sunday, May 13, 2007

Journeys with George

'Journeys with George'

... aired on MSNBC this afternoon (April 29, 2007). It is Alexandra Pelosi's record of life on the Press Bus/Airplane during George Bush's 2000 campaign. What came across to me was that he was a nice guy who gave little evidence that he thought much at all about policy. Also, his staff--mostly Karen Hughes and Karl Rove are profiled--epitomized the Bush administrations cynicism toward--and contempt of--the press. I believe that their cynicism and contempt extends to American voters and political institutions as a whole. How else to explain their complete disregard of Constitutional limits and the role of Congress in government.

In the film Bush also comes across as someone who has never _not_ been a favored son. The combination of princeling and an arrogant contemptuous staff is a toxic one, as we have come to see."

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